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Międzynarodowy Sojusz wody deszczowej do zbioru

International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance

Alliance internationale pour la gestion de l'eau de pluie (IRHA)

Alianza internacional para la gestión del agua de lluvia (IRHA)

Międzynarodowy Sojusz wody deszczowej do zbioru (IRHA) powstał w Genewie w listopadzie 2002 r. w następstwie zaleceń sformułowanych podczas Światowego Szczytu Zrównoważonego Rozwoju w Johannesburgu dwa miesiące wcześniej.Mandat wezwał do federacji i zjednoczenia odmiennego zbieranie wody deszczowej (RWH) ruchu na całym świecie ...
Więcej o IRHA

Empowering the Rainwater Harvesting Movement


The International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) was created in Geneva in November 2002 following recommendations formulated during the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg two months earlier. The mandate called for the federation and unification of the disparate rainwater harvesting (RWH) movement around the world, to promote rainwater as a valuable water resource and to build on achievements in this field for the fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals.


In partnership with the most eminent organisations and individuals in the field, the IRHA provides a lobbying and advocacy platform for RWH. It supports the growth of RWH solutions to water supply problems. It also provides a forum for its members to work together or share experiences, and thus for the benefit of people living with water scarcity.


Click on a pin to find out more about each IRHA activity or click here to see the activities on a larger map


Each coloured pin corresponds to a different IRHA activity:


IRHA Headquarters


Blue Schools projects


Other IRHA projects

Training sessions


International meetings


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